Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Soundbite essay on Semiotics

Semiotics is defined as the study of sign processes, or signification and communication, signs and symbols, into three branches. This specific definition is from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiotics). My understanding of the term is when a physical object, visual symbol or specific sound represents something more then what it is. The study of semiotics is then divided into three areas which is the sign (the picture, object or sound), the system into which these signs are organised and the culture in which these signs operate.
According to a research report by Arienne L. Longstreth on semiotics, an example of semiotics is to think of a smell of a favorite food. The smell of the food might trigger a memory of eating which can trigger hunger, or the smell could remind one of the last time they ate this food, possibly a loved one. The point is that the smell of the food can mean so much more then just a smell because of what it can represent. Arienne also mentions Roland Barthes, one of Europe’s most renowned theorists of semiotics, and how he believed that in order to generate a complete sign, there are two parts that have to work together. He named these parts the signifier and the signified.
When thinking about the semiotics of my own upcoming production for A2 media, I realized some of the semiotics myself and my group had thought of without knowing about semiotics. While thinking about ways to make the location we will be filming in seem dark, desolate and a “scene of the crime” type of place, the ideas we came up with were actually semiotics as they represented other things that we will be trying to get across, for example left over needles and other drug paraphernalia in the area represent drug use which represents darker things like addiction, desperation and poverty. These representations then make their impression on the location itself thus turning a location into a scene in our film.

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